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How to use Kopka Login
How do I request access?

If you are a professional customer and would like access to our Kopka Login system, please request an invitation.

Please do not request a new invitation if you have already requested one or if you already have an account.

How do I setup my account?

After verification by us, you will receive an email, containing an account setup link.

Please follow these exact steps:

  1. Make sure your browser does not block JavaScript! Internet Explorer is not supported! We recommend Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the link from the invitation email.
  3. Enter a password that meets the minimum security requirements.
  4. Agree with the general terms and conditions as well as our privacy policy.
  5. Click the "Submit" button and wait a few seconds. You should now be logged in!
  6. To see if you are logged in, make sure the "Kopka Login Box" in the top right corner of the site reads "Logged In" on an orange background.

Please note that you can not change your email/username at this time. If you need to change your email, please contact us directly.

How do I log in?

In the top-right corner you can find the Kopka Login Box.

It looks like this when you are already logged in:

It looks like this when you are not logged in:

To log in:

  1. Click on the box to open it.
  2. Enter your username (email) and password.
  3. Click on "Login" and wait.
  4. You should now be logged in. If you forgot your password, you can reset it.
How do I reset my password?

If you forgot your password, you can reset it manually.

How to use the Shopping Cart
How do I add products to the shopping cart?
  1. Navigate to your desired product, either by using the "Browse" section or through the menus.
  2. Click on the color swatches to add this color to your cart.
  3. Change quantities by typing in the desired amount.
  4. Go to the 'Shopping Cart' (Top Menu) and send your order.

Hint: You can delete a color by setting the quantity to zero.

Please note: A current version of a modern browser like Chrome or Firefox is required.
Internet Explorer is not supported. Javascript must be enabled in your browser.

How do I modify an order?

You can modify quantities by clicking on the amount and changing it to something else. Enter "0" to remove that color.

If you want to delete all products from your shopping cart, click the "Delete all [X]" button when you are on the "Shopping Cart" page.

How do I send an order?

Note: You do not have to be logged in to send your order.
Being logged in allows you to see products prices.

  1. Navigate to the 'Shopping Cart' (Top Menu).
    • If you have ordered from us before: Please enter your email and your customer number or name & city.
      Note that email and customer number are automatically entered if you're logged in.
    • If you have not ordered from use before: Please enter all the required fields (with an asterisk).
  2. If you have any additional messages you would like us to know, such as a desired shipping date or other request, enter them into the "Additional message" field.
  3. Accept the general terms and conditions as well as our privacy policy.
  4. Click on "Send Order" and wait a few seconds. You should receive a confirmation email within the next minutes (please check your spam folder as well).